Oh Autism funding, so much fun to navigate the paperwork. It's all ready overwhelming to have a new diagnosis, never mind navigating all the paperwork! I've broken it down into three steps. Don't worry, its actually fairly straightforward.
1. Request to pay form:
You need to fill this out for each service provider who works with your child. Music therapists, behavior consultants, behavior interventionists, etc.
2. Funding Renewal:
Request to pay forms need to be re-submitted each year in the month of your child's birthday, which is when their funding renews. They take a while to process things, so the earlier in the month you submit the forms, the less likely your providers will have a delay in their payment.
3. Invoices:
Each service provider fills out an invoice and submits it to the AFU on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. AFU pays the service provider directly. Junior people such as behavior interventionists usually need you to sign off on the invoice prior to submitting. I still have parents sign off so that everything is above board.
Head on over to my useful links page to find a link to AFU forms you may need!