Program Registration - Early Music Classes
All materials are sanitized at the conclusion of every class.
Our studio is located at 230-445 Mountain Highway, North Vancouver.
Our qualified instructors hold a bachelors degree in music therapy with a focus in child development.
Would you like to register a Sibling? They are welcome in any and all classes we offer. Just use the code SIBLING when you register your second child for 50% off their fees.
IS COST A BARRIER TO PARTICIPATION? If your family is facing financial hardship, contact us!
*PLEASE NOTE that when you register for a class session, our software lists the TOTAL program time you are registering for. All classes at our little studio are 30 miutes.
Don’t see a class time that works for you? If you have three other people interested in a class, contact us to discuss starting your own. Dependent on instructor availability.
Is baby sniffy but you don’t want to miss your class? Contact us to zoom in instead!